Bored? Naaaaaahhh~

Hello people~ :)

My mom just called and ask me tak bosan ke weekend2 duduk bilik je? And I replied, takde la mane ade bosan. Best je :D Okay sebenarnye saya bosan! Hehehehe.. Takde niat menipu di situ, just maen2. My weekend is just so lame. Walaupon assignment banyak and presentation projek next Monday, namun terase malas untuk buat ape2. Sila jangan contohi saya ok! But oh well, atleast assignment semua saya buat jugak. Takde la tak hantar, and I'm not copying others.

Okay there is no reason for this post. Takde motif. Saje mahu mengupdate blog and see the response. Hehe. Disebabkan saya sungguh dan amat free sekali weekend ni, I managed to take a picture view from my room. Kat UTM ni la~ To be specific k9.

You see the problem with students nowadays? Masing2 ada kereta tapi tak reti parking masuk line. Its not like anda bawa bas sekolah. Petak parking tu dah terlebih besar pon kot~ Next time sila lah contohi kembara hijau itu. Siapela agaknye tuannye kan, sungguh tere parking (*_*)

**Okay, harap2 lepas ni tiada kesan calar2 pada kereta hijau itu pule. I can see u from up here..Hehe**

Lots of love,


Something to ponder on..

Life changes every minute of every day. You lose friends. You gain friends. You realize your friend wasn’t ever really your friend, and that person you used to hate can make a really good friend. You look for love. You find love. You lose love. You realize all long that you’ve been loved. You laugh. You cry. You laugh so hard that you cry. You do this, you do that. You really wish you hadn’t done that. You then learn from that and are glad that you did. You have your ups. You have your downs. You see good movies. You see bad movies. You wonder if your life is just one big movie. You look at others and wish you were them. You then realize who they are and are glad that you’re you. You love life. You hate life. In the end you just find yourself happy to be living life, no matter what’s thrown at you.

Lots of love,


Your website value?

Hello people~ :)

Just want to share with you guys something. Check this out. How much do you think the top Malaysian website worth?!

And my site is actually worth $4,335.5! O'yeah!! Clap3x. What about yours?

Lots of love,


Muhasabah diri

 Hello people~ :)

I just got back from test. SHhhhhhh. Tak nak cakap! Tak nak cakap! And don't ever ask me about it! Seriously, even though it is an open book test, but I screwed it all!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. *Okeh dah tercakap pule -_-"* Since tak dapat buat dengan baik, mari bermuhasabah diri seketika with this video.

Lots of love,



Takde mood la~ Nak buat assignment tak reti, nak buat projek pon tak reti. Sangat tough semester kali ni -_-"

Next week nak balik rumah. Weehee cuti seminggu! Tapi dah dapat rasekan cuti kali ni sangat busy. So many things to do. Mari kita listkan..

1) Ni haaa atas tu. Nampak tak? Borang2 fellow dgn SLAB dah dapat. Busy la nanti nak isi.
2) Buat medical checkup lg. Kena buat kat hospital kerajaan/ hospital universiti. Berjanggut la macam ni nak tunggu turn.
3) Sape2 nak jadi penjamin saya? Meh la, saya bagi borang nak isi :)
 4) Cari saksi (Ni paling leceh! Kena angkut semua orang semata2 nak sign je)
5) Matikan setem.
6) Pos sume benda, dan tunggu duet masok. Heehee~ Part ni paling suke.
7) Projek..projek.. dan projek!
8) Slide prsentation seminar kene siapkan.
9) Assignment AI yang tak reti ni.
10) Study untuk TEST!!!!!!

Tutup mata *_*

**OooOOoohh..Dah dapat bayangkan cuti yang tak best**

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