This blog is managed solely by the owner Ezreen Farina. Photos are not to be used without giving credit unless stated that it does not belong to blog owner. Materials in this blog must be credited if re-produced in any kind of way. A piece of mind is always appreciated, unless deemed to be provocative, the blog owner shall take action by ignoring or rejecting the comment.
oi oi..apehal ade 2 bijik gambar hasil seni aku masuk dlm blog ko nie!
dah la siap caption ciplak juga..x puas hati nie..
pencuri!pencuri!police tolong!
eh bdk ni..dh la semak masok dlm gmbr dh kene edit pasni..
mane ad curik..pinjam jap..hehe
gambo curik!!!
gambo kt pown dicurik!!!
ek eleh bdk bulu mate plasu ni..oopss trckp la elya..hehe
pecah rahsia ku..
itulah elia..ade pencuri! huhu
pecah rahsia ku..
aaaaaaaaaaa << so LAME -___-"
oi oi..apehal ade 2 bijik gambar hasil seni aku masuk dlm blog ko nie! >> SOO POYOOO
aah..sOoOoOo lame la bulu mate palsu..tgk i..natural~ hehe