Finally 22!!
Before this year ends, I would like to wish myself Happy 22nd Birthday!! Yeay!! Thanks for those yg wish, I really appreciate it. *Bercakap2 seperti seseorang yg femes*
*Feels like 1 year old.. Pinjam kek baby alia jap :)*
*Thanx to my dear roommate for this one:)*
My wish??
- better years ahead and be a stronger person.. no more tears okay.. smile :') -
I would also like to wish everyone out there a very Happy New Year!! May this year be a memorable one and next year be a better one..
“Another fresh new year is here . . .
Another year to live!
To banish worry, doubt, and fear,
To love and laugh and give!
This bright new year is given me
To live each day with zest . . .
To daily grow and try to be
My highest and my best!
I have the opportunity
Once more to right some wrongs,
To pray for peace, to plant a tree,
And sing more joyful songs!”
Another year to live!
To banish worry, doubt, and fear,
To love and laugh and give!
This bright new year is given me
To live each day with zest . . .
To daily grow and try to be
My highest and my best!
I have the opportunity
Once more to right some wrongs,
To pray for peace, to plant a tree,
And sing more joyful songs!”
Lots of love,
ezreen, amboi siap nak jd xtra muda...dah lah kamu plg muda among other coz always celebrate beday at the end of the year skang ni nak jadi 1 tahun jer=P...hehehe...i like this entry...nice picture and sweet notes...
thanx fad!~ :)
pinjam kek my niece je..xde kek :'(
tu laa...kalau balik kn insyaAllah ade kek..haaaa~
ek? x g celebrate ngn yg len ker?
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
syim: skrg x best dh mcm degree.. tak rmai~
anonymous: kene private blog la gini :">